Oxford Events
1309 – The former Synagogue in Great Jewry is converted into a tavern called ‘Broadyates’ (and from 1520 ‘Dolphin’). It is now part of Christ Church.
1312 – Hebrew is studied in Oxford from this date.
1540 – Regius Chair of Hebrew established for Canon of Christ Church
1590 – Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta is performed
1597 – First performance of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice
1613 – Jacob Barnet working on Hebrew Collections of Bodleian – promises to convert and then runs away.
1650 – Jacob the Jew opens a coffee shop (where The Grand Café now stands) – recorded by Anthony Wood.
1655 – Manasseh ben Israel, a rabbi from Holland, arrives to persuade Oliver Cromwell to re-admit Jews into England.