Jewish Heritage Europe

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A new organisation has just appeared and is commended to those interested in our field:

Jewish Heritage Europe aims to facilitate communication and information exchange regarding projects, initiatives and other developments concerning Jewish heritage and Jewish heritage sites: restoration, funding, ongoing projects, best-practices, advisory services and more. They hope to foster contacts among Jewish communities, private individuals or bodies, foundations, state and civic organizations, monuments protection authorities and other stakeholders and interested parties.

As a project of the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe, their goal is for JHE to be a clearing house for a variety of such information and a go-to online resource for people involved or interested in Jewish heritage to find addresses, contacts and news.

The Oxford Jewish Heritage Committee hopes to work with JHE to our mutual benefit.

To see their website click to   A monthly eNewsletter is published and can be applied for.

About OJH

Our aim is to raise the profile of the history of Jews in Oxford from earliest records through to the modern day.

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