Exhibition Persecution and Survival

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Exhibition:   Oxford Town Hall   January – March 2012

 Life between the Nations: A war-time refugee story’     

Persecution and survival: the experience of the German Jewish refugee Paul Jacobsthal

Hosted at the Oxford Town Hall, Jointly by the University of Oxford School of Archeology, Oxford City of Sanctuary Group and the Association of Jewish Refugees, the exhibition contained information from Professor Jacobsthal’s own archive of his wartime and refugee experiences. It also collected oral histories from volunteers who came forward with their own memories of the period. As well as the exhibition, the project will make Professor Jacobsthal’s letters available to the public digitally. They will catalogued, digitized, and made available on the web from 2011.

For more information go to   http://www.arch.ox.ac.uk/jacobsthal.html 

A report in the Oxford Times on Tuesday 17th January tells the story of Ruth Shire (nee Cohen) was sent to Oxford by her parents at the age of 15.  Her Oral History was available at the exhibition along with others.  To see this article click here.

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